Legal terms & policies > SellersSeller Policy

Seller Policy

This policy is a part of our Terms & Conditions. By setting up a store on Crafts n’ Things, you are agreeing both to this policy and our Terms of Use.

1. Being a Seller at Crafts n’ Things

Here you will find all selling basics for setting up your store correctly at Crafts n’ Things.
What can be sold on Crafts n’ Things
Crafts n’ Things aims to be an online marketplace where buyers can find all handmade products they are looking for. This means that everything you plan to sell must be either handmade or a craft supply.
Handmade means that the item has been made and/or designed by you, the seller.
If you sell handmade items, you agree that:
  1. All handmade items are made or designed by you.
  2. You are using your own content (photographs, videos, etc.) to showcase your products – not stock photos or any content that is not originally yours.

If you are selling personalised or bespoke items, you agree that:

  1. In case you are using photographs from already made-to-order items, you must clearly state in the item’s description that images are just used as examples.
  2. Set a price for different options available on a single listing, if needed. Prices must be correctly specified on the listing page, to avoid any miscommunications.

Craft Supplies are anything related to tools, materials or ingredients whose purpose is to use in the creation of different handmade items or special occasions. Craft Supplies may be handmade or commercial, even if they are second had. Party Supplies could also be treated as Craft Supplies. If are to sell any craft supplies, you agree to:

  1. Describe if the item is handmade, commercial (new or second hand), on the item’s description.

What can’t be sold on Crafts n’ Things

Even if your items meet Crafts n’ Things’ selling criteria, you must take into account that prohibited items, services and items that violate our intellectual property or trademark are not allowed to be sold on Crafts n’ Things.

Any listings you create must offer an item for sale. You may not create a listing for anything that does not offer a physical or digital item for sale.

About reselling
Reselling is not allowed on Crafts n’ Things. Any item that is sold on our Site must be handmade, meaning that you, the seller, made it. You cannot list an item as “handmade” when you were not involved in designing or making that item.

Reporting items
Members can report any item that appear to violate our policies. Crafts n’ Things will review all reports and may remove any listings that violate our policies. Bear in mind your account could also be suspended from selling or even permanently close your account for any violations. If there were any outstanding fees on your account statement, you are still responsible for paying those. On the other side, if there was any available balance on your account, it will be withdrawn to your given accounts as soon as all outstanding payments have been cleared out. We may have to contact you to do so.

If you aim to raise money on behalf of a charity, you must obtain the charity’s consent and be able to prove it if requested.

Managing your Crafts n’ Things Store

Your store will represent both you and your business to all Crafts n’ Things members. We want to remind you the importance of being honest.

By selling on Crafts n’ Things, you agree that you will:

  1. Be honest and describe accurately your business in your Store’s Biography.
  2. Be faithful to your Store policies.
  3. Ensure all your content uploaded to our Site does not go against Crafts n’ Things’ policies.
  4. Make sure your products’ listings are precisely represented.
  5. Not avoid in any way Crafts n’ Things’ Fees (for example, by evading our Site’s checkout).
  6. Not create duplicate Stores for the purpose of circumventing Crafts n’ Things’ policies.
  7. Respect the intellectual property of others.
  8. Not jointly agree prices with other sellers.

Product Selling Standards
By listing a product for sale on Crafts n’ Things you understand and agree that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations for the products you list for sale, including any required labels and warnings. Crafts n’ Things assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, labelling, or content of your listings.

Maintaining a Certain Customer Service Standards
It’s important that your customers gain trust on you and your business. This can only happen if you provide great customer service. 

By selling on Crafts n’ Things, you agree:

  • Dispatch and process your orders in a promt manner, unless there is an exceptional circumstance. Inform your customers on how long should they expect to wait for their order to arrive, and commit to that delivery date.
  • Respond to any messages or Support Tickets in a timely manner. There is nothing worse for a customer than to not have a reply.
  • Communicate directly with the buyers in order to resolve any disputes or disagreements. If you were not able to reach a solution, you can contact Crafts n’ Things and we can try to help.
  • In the event that you were unable to complete or dispatch an order, you must inform the buyer as soon as possible and cancel the order.

Selling Fees
There are some fees that may be charged to sellers for listing, selling, advertising, and certain other products or features. You can learn more about all fees in our Fees and Payments Policy.

2. Protecting your Customer’s Privacy and Personal Information

You are responsible for protecting members’ personal information you receive or process, and you must comply with all relevant legal requirements.
This includes applicable data protection and privacy laws that govern the ways in which you can use Crafts n’ Things user information. These laws may require that you post and comply with your own privacy policy, which must be accessible to all Crafts n’ Things users that you interact with. Your privacy policy must be compatible with this policy, Crafts n’ Things Terms and Conditions, and Crafts n’ Things’ Privacy Policy.
If you disclose personal information without the buyer’s proper consent, you are responsible for that unauthorised disclosure. This will include any disclosures you make or unintentional data breaches. You may not use any user’s information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorised transactions. Without the buyer’s consent, and subject to other applicable Crafts n’ Things policies and laws, you may not add any Crafts n’ Things member to your email or physical mailing list, use that buyer’s identity for marketing, or obtain or retain any payment information. Please bear in mind that you’re responsible for knowing the standard of consent required in any given instance. If Crafts n’ Things and you are found to be joint data controllers of personal information, and if Crafts n’ Things is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did in your capacity as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify Crafts n’ Things for the expenses it occurs in connection with your processing of buyer personal information.
For more information, please check our Privacy Policy.

3. Communicating with Buyers or Other Users 

You have the opportunity to contact any buyer or user by:
  • Sending or receiving a message through a seller’s/your shop, if option is available.
  • Sending or receiving an email, if the email is shown.
  • Opening or receiving a support ticket with a seller or buyer, once an order has been made, from “Your Orders” page or “Support Tickets” on your Store’s Dashboard..

All messaging tools available on our Site will never be used for the following activities: 

  1. Sending any type of spam, unsolicited advertisements or promotions, requests for donations, etc.
  2. Harassing, sending violent messages or abusing another member in any way. Any use of Messages to harass other members is strictly prohibited. Similarly, Messages may not be used to support or glorify hatred. Please let us know right away.
  3. Contacting or harassing someone after they have clearly expressed you not to do so.
  4. Interfering in any way with a business or transaction of any other member.
  5. Exchanging personal contact,  financial or other information for the purposes of evading the checkout process of Crafts n’ Things, including any personal information.

Bad Practice and Interfering in someone else’s business

Interfering in someone else’s business is strictly prohibited on Crafts n’ Things. Examples may include:

  • Contacting any other member to warn or avoid them from buying from any Crafts n’ Things seller;
  • Posting public comments to discuss any disputes;
  • Purchasing any items for the sole purpose of leaving bad reviews, or leaving untrue reviews.

Communicating Incomplete Transactions or Cancellations
If you are unable to complete a transaction, you must notify the buyer through a Support Ticket and cancel the transaction. If the buyer already submitted payment and wishes to cancel the order, you must then issue a full refund. You are encouraged to keep proof of any refunds, in case any disputes arise.

Each seller can specify his or her own return policies, which would be specified in their ‘Store Policies’. If a seller has not specified his or her return policy, then Crafts n’ Things’ Return Policy will apply. We recommend buyers to read this policy as they may be entitled to the Right Of Withdrawal, which allows consumers to withdraw from their purchase within a period time, usually 14 days.

4. About Reviews

Reviews are a great tool for you to gain reputation as a seller. You will receive reviews mostly from buyers. Reviews can be left for a single product or for a store at Crafts n’ Things. These can also be a great tool to improve at your business, by letting you know if something went wrong with other user’s last order. 

By answering a review, you acknowledge that your content may not violate our rules for all User Generated Contributions in Section 10, in addition to the following:

  1. Contain graphic, mature, or obscene language or imagery.
  2. Be about things outside the seller’s control, such as a delivery company, Crafts n’ Things, or a third party;
  3. Include shilling or otherwise falsely inflate a shop’s review score;  
  4. Undermine the integrity of the reviews system.

If you find or receive a review that violates our policies or our Terms and Conditions, please report that review.

We also reserve the right to remove reviews that violate our policies or Terms and Conditions.

5. User Generated Contributions – Creating Content

As a member of Crafts n’ Things, you have the opportunity to create and upload a variety of content, such as messages, text, photos, etc. In order to keep our community safe and respectful, you agree that you will not upload content that:

  1. Contains hateful or derogatory language or imagery.
  2. Contains threats, harassment, extortion, or violates our rules about bad practice and interference;
  3. Violates someone else’s intellectual property rights;
  4. Is false, deceptive, or misleading;
  5. Contains unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations, or spam;
  6. Contains private information, whether it is your own, or someone else’s;
  7. Encourages or facilitates a transaction that evades the Crafts n’ Things checkout process;
  8. Contains prohibited medical drug claims;
  9. Violates any of the rules described in our Prohibited Items Policy.

Some content on Crafts n’ Things is subject to additional requirements. Please see the related sections above.

6. Reporting a Problem with an Order or Returning an Item

Although Crafts n’ Things is not directly involved in a transaction between a buyer and a seller, we are aiming to help you in the unlikely event that your order does not go as expected and you are unable to reach a resolution with the buyer. If something does not go as expected, the first thing the buyer must do is contact the seller by opening a Support Ticket through “Your Orders” page in “My Account”. Once a buyer contacts you to let you know about a problem with an order, you will have 48 hours to reach a solution. If the issue remains unresolved after the time frame specified, then the buyer may contact Crafts n’ Things directly through the “Contact Us” form, or by sending us an email. Once a buyer has contacted Crafts n0 Things, we will assist in the resolution of the discussion between the buyer and seller. This may include, but is not limited to, automatically closing the support query and issuing a refund to the buyer, or reviewing the issue further to help the buyer and seller resolve it as quickly as possible.

Crafts n’ Things reserves the right to resolve an order issue before the first 48 hours have elapsed for circumstances including, but not limited to, seller inactivity, harassment, refusal of service, manipulation, and undermining the integrity of the support request.

Crafts n’ Things may also request your assistance in resolving an issue that involves or goes against your shop.

By using Crafts n’ Thing’s customer support, you understand that Crafts n’ Things may use your personal information for the purpose of resolving disputes with other users. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

If Crafts n’ Things determines that an order support ticket should be resolved with a refund, you will be required to refund the order, including original postage and return postage, if applicable. Crafts n’ Things reserves the right to issue a refund to the buyer and regain funds from your account.

7. Your Seller Account and Complying with our Terms & Conditions.

In order to keep Crafts n’ Things safe and be able to improve our Services, we may take actions that limit the visibility of your shop and/or listings, in the event a shop sees unusual order activity, or we otherwise believe that your actions or shop may result in buyer disputes, chargebacks, increased risk of fraud, counterfeiting, or other claims, Crafts n’ Things may take actions such as limiting visibility of your account, or placing restrictions or reserves on your payments account, temporarily or permanently disabling your selling account, in accordance with our Terms & Conditions, including this Policy and our Payments and Use of Gift Cards Policy. When appropriate and permitted by law, Crafts n’ Things will communicate information to the affected seller about the issue.

Crafts n’ Things may make changes to onboarding or verification processes for sellers at our sole discretion. Completion of these processes may be required for seller account activation or continued access and usage.

Last updated on the 25th of February, 2022.