Legal terms & policies > Sellers > Selling Services Policy

Selling Services Policy

This policy is a part of our Terms & Conditions. By setting up a store on Crafts n’ Things, you are agreeing both to this policy and our Terms of Use.

Services are not allowed to be sold on Crafts n’ Things. Only services that produce a new tangible item that complies with our Seller Policy may be sold on Crafts n’ Things.

1. Tailoring, Editing, Restoring or Repairing

Any modification services that alter a pre-existing item are prohibited on Crafts n’ Things, as a new tangible good is not created.

2. Rentals or Hiring Items

Hiring an item means to offer the use of goods or places for a temporary period of time. Rentals are strictly prohibited on Crafts n’ Things.

3. Metaphysical Services

Metaphysical services may not be sold on Crafts n’ Things. Examples of prohibited metaphysical services include:

  • Reiki and distance healing
  • Spell-casting, prayers or rituals
  • Items with a metaphysical outcome (for example: attracting love, money, business, etc.)

Only supplies related to spell work, such as herbs, crystals, spell books, etc. may be sold in their appropriate categories.

Last updated on the 26th of February, 2022