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Sea Glass Necklace Pendant - Product Of The Week

This week we have chosen something really unique, upcycling made from a beachcomber at Margate beach.

This artist spends most mornings walking up and down on the seashore of her local beach to collect glass, ceramic, shells, driftwood, plastic, also very interesting fossilized findings that she prefers to keep as her personal little treasures, but from the other findings, she makes beautiful jewellery and really one-of-a-kind home decor pieces.

What is Beachcombing?

Beachcombing is an activity that consists of an individual “combing” or searching the beach, looking for things of value, interest or utility. They spend hours walking and searching for all sorts of bits to add to their crafting stash collection.

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Nature's Treasures

The sea waves and tides brings to the shore all sorts of things that for a beachcomber are Nature’s treasures. Everything they find, goes through a selection and deep cleaning process before working on any project. 

She started beachcombing about three years ago after sadly losing both her parents and having to give up working as a support worker through ill health.

She loves walking for exercise and for her mental health to benefit from the sea air healing properties.

While walking at the seashore, she started picking up bits and pieces of interest.

She actually had no idea that there was such a thing as sea glass and sea pottery but she quickly got hooked and that was the beginning of her beachcombing business.

She loves creating and have always been a very artistic and multi-skilled artist.

She also had a few successful art exhibitions as she is very good at drawing portraits too, and she even taught crochet.

She says that she is so much happier now, doing what she loves, and we couldn’t agree more on how important it is to enjoy what we do.

We strongly recommend checking her lovely makes at Steph’s Beachcombing

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